Funding guide for stem cell research.
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Federal Funding Opportunities
These funding opportunities include initiatives and programs from the following agencies:
- Department of Agriculture – Cooperative State Research, Education, & Extension Service
- Department of Defense
- US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command funds casualty care and operational medicine research. (*When you open this link, your web browser may inform you that the “connection is untrusted.” This security alert is common when accessing Department of Defense websites; you may safely accept the connection and access the website.)
- Office of Naval Research
- National Institutes of Health –
- NIH Stem Cell Research, overview of stem cell research at NIH including funding information.
- Search the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, the official NIH information source for funding opportunities from all NIH institutes and centers.
- National Science Foundation – Division of Bioengineering and Environmental Systems
- National Science Foundation – Directorate for Biological Sciences
Non-Federal Funding Opportunities
Sponsors include:
- Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy funds research aimed at furthering the development of cell and gene therapy approaches to the treatment of cancer.
- Alliance for Lupus Research offers funding for research into Lupus treatments and possible cures.
- ALS Association supports innovative research of high scientific merit in stem cell research, disease mechanisms, therapeutic approaches, model systems, and genetics.
- amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research funds research relevant to the role of gene therapy in the eradication of HIV infection.
- Chronic Granulomatous Disorder Society seeks innovative research opportunities targeting the cause, inheritance, management, and a cure for this primary immunodeficiency.
- Cooley’s Anemia Foundation offers research fellowships to clinical and basic science investigators interested in research related to Cooley’s anemia.
- Fanconi Anemia Research Fund provides grants for efforts to find effective treatment and a cure for Fanconi anemia.
- Hereditary Disease Foundation offers support for research projects that will contribute to identifying and understanding the basic defect of Huntington’s disease.
- Immune Tolerance Network funds novel clinical trials and the development of tolerance assay or mechanistic studies.
- Johnson & Johnson funds basic research in the field of cell therapies directed at diabetic or cardiac disorders.
- Joslin Diabetes Center brings individuals with unique and interesting perspectives to study broad areas of type 1 and type 2 diabetes and related complications in collaboration with Joslin faculty.
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation offers a wide variety of grants in diabetes research.
- Jerome Lejeune Foundation undertakes research for the treatment of Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome).
- McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience funds work in the application of basic research to human brain injury or disease.
- Motor Neurone Disease Association funds research into the causes, treatments and prevention of MND.
- National Fragile X Foundation supports a broad range of research endeavors that will lead to better recognition, treatment and an eventual cure of fragile X syndrome.
- National Marrow Donor Program sponsors outreach programs and research to improve the understanding and outcome of unrelated marrow and blood cell transplantation.
- Ara Parseghian Medical Research Foundation provides grants for research directed at understanding the cause of Niemann-Pick Type C (NPC) disease.
- Prader-Willi Syndrome Association (USA) funds research on Prader-Willi Syndrome.
- Scleroderma Foundation supports the development of innovative and high quality research by new investigators in fields related to systemic sclerosis and scleroderma, including related stem cell biology.
- United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF) is committed to finding cures for mitochondrial illness. UMDF realizes that new, aggressive research for rare disorders is often not underwritten by federal grants and seeks to fund such grants that will forward the cause of research into mitochondrial diseases.
- Walther Cancer Institute funds collaborative translational cancer research within or between WCI-affiliated institutions and investigators and the Institute’s basic, clinical, and behavioral research programs.
- National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association funds innovative research projects likely to generate strong preliminary data in the area of neurodegenerative disorders affecting the central nervous system.
- Wellcome Trust funds research into human pluripotent stem cells as part of a joint program with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
- World Community Grid invites organizations to apply to use its powerful grid technology at no cost for projects that benefit humanity, including research on genomics and disease.
To Find More Funding Opportunities
- Carolina students, faculty, and research staff interested in obtaining more information about funding opportunities related to your research are invited to contact your respective support organizations:
- Faculty: Office of Research Development
- Postdocs: Office of Postdoctoral Affairs
- Graduate Students: Graduate Funding Information Center
- Undergraduate Students: Office for Undergraduate Research
- Search InfoEd Global SPIN – an extensive multidisciplinary database of federal and private grants.